SEGA® Europe, Ltd. today announced that Total War™: WARHAMMER® III will be releasing worldwide 17th of February 2022 on day one with Xbox Game Pass for PC.
“It’s fantastic to finally put a release date on our epic third instalment,” said Chief Product Officer, Rob Bartholomew. “And, in partnering with Xbox Game Pass, we’re able to bring the ruinous powers of Chaos to as many players as possible. May all serve within their glorious embrace.”
The Ogre Kingdoms Race Pack has also been revealed as the early-adopter bonus for the forthcoming title. Any player who orders Total War: WARHAMMER III in advance, or buys it during the first week on sale, will gain access to this additional content for free*.
This Race Pack unleashes the Ogre Kingdoms and their two Legendary Lords – Greasus Goldtooth & Skrag the Slaughterer – into the grand campaign, enabling players to lead an army of colossal warriors and primeval monsters in search of plunder, gold, and meat for their insatiable bellies.
In battle, these brutes excel at bombarding the enemy with long-range firepower before cascading upon their broken ranks with a devastating charge from their monstrous cavalry. Within the campaign they wage bloody war from their nomadic camps deep within the Mountains of Mourn, ever keen to take on bountiful contracts and add illustrious big names to their titles.
Get ready for lootin’, feastin’, and warrin’ with this Ogre Kingdoms announcement trailer:
For more information about Total War: WARHAMMER III, Xbox Game Pass or the Ogre Kingdoms early-adopter bonus visit the Total War Blog. Pre-order directly from the developers at the Total War: WARHAMMER III store, the Microsoft Store, Steam, Epic Games Store or play it day one with Xbox Game Pass For PC.
*The Ogre Kingdoms early-adopter bonus must be purchased from SEGA accredited retailers. Xbox Game Pass owners can purchase this content separately from the Microsoft Store. See the Total War Blog for more details.
About Total War™:
With more than 37.8 million copies sold, Total War is one of the most established and critically acclaimed series in gaming. A drive for historical authenticity and superb gaming quality has helped establish the franchise as one of the most successful PC games of all time. Alongside the core historical-based games, the Total War series has expanded to include free-to-play mobile (Total War Battles™: KINGDOM), fantasy epics (Total War™: WARHAMMER®), and historical snapshots (Total War Saga™: THRONES OF BRITANNIA).
About Creative Assembly™:
The Creative Assembly Ltd. is one of Europe's leading games development studios, founded in 1987 and located in West Sussex, UK and in Sofia, Bulgaria. With a heritage of award-winning AAA titles, including the multi-million selling Total War™ series, Creative Assembly continues to build an impressive portfolio of games and world-renowned partnerships; working with Games Workshop on Total War™: WARHAMMER®, Twentieth Century Fox on Alien: Isolation, plus 343 Industries and Microsoft on Halo Wars 2. Creative Assembly has, with their exceptionally talented team of over 700, amassed a wealth of awards, including multiple Best Place to Work awards and recent accolades from BAFTA, Music+Sound and Develop’s Industry Excellence awards.
About Sega® Europe Ltd.:
Sega® Europe Ltd. is the European Distribution arm of Tokyo, Japan-based SEGACORPORATION, and a worldwide leader in interactive entertainment both inside and outside the home. The company develops and distributes interactive entertainment software products for a variety of hardware platforms including PC, wireless devices, and those manufactured by Nintendo, Microsoft and Sony Interactive Entertainment Europe. SEGA wholly owns the video game development studios Two Point Studios, Creative Assembly, Relic Entertainment, Amplitude Studios, Sports Interactive and HARDlight. Sega Europe’s website is located at
About Games Workshop®
Games Workshop® Group PLC (LSE:GAW.L), based in Nottingham, UK, produces the best fantasy miniatures in the world. Games Workshop designs, manufactures, retails, and distributes its range of Warhammer®: Age of Sigmar® and Warhammer® 40,000® games, miniature soldiers, novels and model kits through more than 523 of its own stores (branded Warhammer®), the web store and independent retail channels in more than 50 countries worldwide. More information about Games Workshop and its other, related, brands and product ranges (including our publishing division ‘Black Library’ and our special resin miniatures studio ‘Forge World’) can be found at
© Copyright Games Workshop Limited 2021. Warhammer, the Warhammer logo, GW, Games Workshop, The Game of Fantasy Battles, the twin-tailed comet logo, and all associated logos, illustrations, images, names, creatures, races, vehicles, locations, weapons, characters, and the distinctive likeness thereof, are either ® or TM, and/or © Games Workshop Limited, variably registered around the world, and used under licence. Developed by Creative Assembly and published by SEGA. Creative Assembly, the Creative Assembly logo, Total War and the Total War logo are either registered trademarks or trademarks of The Creative Assembly Limited. SEGA and the SEGA logo are either registered trademarks or trademarks of SEGA CORPORATION. SEGA is registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. All other trademarks, logos and copyrights are property of their respective owners.